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Active Shooter Drills Are Mandatory In Georgia Classrooms

Active Shooter Drills: A Critical Look at Georgia's Mandate


Active shooter drills have become increasingly common in schools across the United States, including Georgia. These drills are designed to prepare students and staff for the unlikely event of an active shooter situation. However, there is some debate about the effectiveness of these drills and whether they create more harm than good.

The Mandate in Georgia

In 2019, Georgia passed a law requiring all public schools to conduct at least one active shooter drill each school year. The law also requires schools to develop a safety plan that includes procedures for responding to an active shooter situation.

The Georgia Department of Education provides schools with resources to help them develop their safety plans and conduct active shooter drills. These resources include a guidebook, training videos, and online courses.

Effectiveness of Active Shooter Drills

There is no clear consensus on the effectiveness of active shooter drills. Some studies have shown that these drills can help students and staff to feel more prepared for an active shooter situation, while other studies have found that they can increase anxiety and fear.

One study, published in the journal "Pediatrics," found that active shooter drills were associated with increased anxiety and fear in children. The study also found that children who participated in these drills were more likely to report feeling unsafe at school.

Concerns about Active Shooter Drills

In addition to the potential for increased anxiety and fear, there are other concerns about active shooter drills. Some critics argue that these drills can create a sense of paranoia and fear in schools. They also argue that these drills can be traumatizing for students, especially those who have experienced trauma in the past.

Another concern is that active shooter drills may not be effective in preventing or stopping an actual active shooter situation. Some experts argue that these drills can actually make schools more vulnerable to attack by providing attackers with a roadmap of the school's layout and security procedures.

Alternatives to Active Shooter Drills

There are a number of alternatives to active shooter drills that can help schools to prepare for an active shooter situation. These alternatives include:

  • Developing a comprehensive safety plan that includes procedures for responding to an active shooter situation
  • Providing training to staff on how to respond to an active shooter situation
  • Conducting regular safety audits of the school
  • Installing security cameras and other security measures
  • Educating students and staff about the signs of potential threats


Active shooter drills are a controversial topic with no easy answers. While these drills can help students and staff to feel more prepared for an active shooter situation, there is also evidence that they can increase anxiety and fear. Schools should carefully consider the pros and cons of active shooter drills before deciding whether to implement them.
