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Arbcom Wikipedia Cryptocurrency Editing

The Wikipedia Arbitration Committee: A Last Resort for Resolving Disputes


The Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (ArbCom) is a group of trusted editors who serve as a last resort for resolving disputes between editors on the English Wikipedia. ArbCom considers requests to open new cases and review previous decisions, with the goal of ensuring that disputes are resolved fairly and in accordance with Wikipedia's policies.

ArbCom's Role

ArbCom's primary responsibility is to resolve disputes related to user conduct, such as:

  • Harassment or personal attacks
  • Vandalism or disruption
  • Edit warring
  • li>Sock puppetry (using multiple accounts to manipulate discussions)

ArbCom does not handle disputes about the content of articles, which are typically resolved through discussion and consensus-building on the article's talk page.

Requesting Arbitration

An editor can request arbitration by filing a request on the ArbCom's noticeboard. The request must provide a clear explanation of the dispute, including the specific policies that have been violated, and evidence to support the allegations.

ArbCom will review the request and decide whether to open a case. If a case is opened, ArbCom will appoint a panel of three arbitrators to hear the case and make a decision.

ArbCom's Decisions

ArbCom's decisions are binding on all editors involved in the dispute. The committee's decisions can range from issuing warnings to imposing sanctions, such as blocking or banning users.

ArbCom's decisions are based on the evidence presented in the case and on Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. The committee strives to make fair and impartial decisions that are in the best interests of the Wikipedia community.


The Wikipedia Arbitration Committee is an essential part of the Wikipedia community's dispute resolution process. ArbCom provides a last resort for resolving disputes that cannot be resolved through other means. The committee's decisions are binding on all editors involved in the dispute and are based on the evidence presented in the case and on Wikipedia's policies and guidelines.
